Great tiger male in the nature habitat. ©Adobe Stock/photocech

We support the foundation "A World for Tigers" which came to action in October 2012, working with the WWF and focused on protecting Indochinese tigers in Thailand and Myanmar with the goal to double the number of tigers by 2022. 

The Indochinese tiger is one of the six surviving subspecies of tiger and lives primarily in impassable mountain forests in the border areas between Thailand, Myanmar, South China, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. With only 196 surviving animals, the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) categorizes this tiger as “critically endangered.” If we do not take action now, the Indochinese tiger – as did the now extinct Bali tiger, Java tiger and Caspian tiger – will disappear from Earth forever.  

As a strong presence of field rangers is key to increase the number of tigers, the "A World for Tigers" Foundation focuses on the construction of ranger stations and training of new rangers in the Mae Wong, Khlong Lan, Khlong Wang Chao and Umphang national parks and in Myanmar.

With over 140 rangers, and 164 installed camera traps, a solid basis for the success in this area has already been established. To provide for a successful and sustainable protection of the animals, we require more rangers who directly combat poachers, rescue injured animals from wire traps and who can engage in the villages in comprehensive information campaigns about impacts of illegal wild animal trade. 

To this end, all donations provided will be used in their entirety to training rangers, their equipment as well as the construction of ranger stations to facilitate their work. We guarantee that 100% of all donations are spent on tiger protection projects.

Support current A World for Tigers projects and help us give the Indochinese tiger in Thailand the chance for a future! Donate now.